Chandralal Somarathna

What Karate Means To Me

I see karate as a well-defined framework, which helps humans to discover certain powers they already have inside their mind and body and assists in applying those powers to their everyday life as appropriate. Beyond the use of physical aspects of the body to improve someone’s health and to take care of our self-defence, karate teaches the values a person should carry and develops the understanding on elements that can positively contribute to the society. Karate can reveal many opportunities we have never seen in ourselves; it also helps us to build the boundaries on the things to embrace and avoid.

As I have discovered, many adults who join the karate schools always have the need or curiosity to do so in the early stages of their lives. Certainly, in my case that is very much true, and I have tried many martial art schools in almost every country I have been to so far since I was 16 years old. Due to many reasons, I never had a chance to continue those journeys more than few months at one place. I must admit that the priorities or the circumstances at different stages in my life overpowered my overwhelming desire to lean martial arts. However, it was always inside me like a dormant volcano.

After arriving in Australia, I was looking for a training school around Melbourne in which to enrol my older son. I came across many places with very strong marketing drives and promotional activities. I visited those places and saw how keen they are to accept new members. For some reason, there was always something missing. I remember, I found “Shushin Kai Goju Ryu Karate-Do” website and was surprised that it appeared to be the closest place I had found so far but had never seen any advertisements anywhere apart from the website itself. I remember the first day I went to the Hillside Dojo to talk to someone with the intention of getting more information. In my mind, I had already organized one day a week to karate for my son as he was already committed to other activities and tutors during the week. I was watching the students coming in practicing and getting instructions from Shihan and other seniors even before the class is started. When I got the opportunity to talk to Shihan, he explained me the way and the expectations of the school. His words were very strong and showed the commitment from his side. Although I wanted to join immediately, I was heartbroken as we were not accepted unless we could commit to the trainings at least two days a week, for which we were not prepared for at the time. Few months went on and my desire to get my son enrolled was getting stronger and stronger. In the end, I organised everything for my son to commit to two days trainings and spoke to Shihan for the second time. The moment Shihan indicated the possibility for me also to join the trainings with my son, something that I had always wanted started bothering me and pushing me to do so. I knew it was something I was missing and realised, this is the opportunity to achieve it. After all, in my forties, I got that opportunity and committed my time and energy to something I always dream of.

I am so glad that I managed to continue my karate journey at “Shushin Kai Goju Ryu Karate-Do” over the past few years to reach the black belt grading. In this special juncture, I want to thank Shihan Graeme and Sensei Lincoln for giving me an opportunity to be part of this great club and helping me to learn this special art with them. I extend my thanks to all the blackbelts past and present and other seniors who were continuing to be there to support and clear doubts every day during the trainings. I also want to thank all the juniors in the club who have been working with me on their lessons and asking questions as that has also helped me to challenge myself to look for proper answers or explanations to my own knowledge as well

Training has also made me a healthier person, helping with my fitness and flexibility. I have always had asthma and I didn’t believe Shihan when he said karate could cure it. Now, after four years of kata and breathing exercises, I rarely get exercise induced asthma. Karate has improved my lung capacity and taught me how to breathe properly. I can now go for a run, do rowing or go to PE classes without any breathing difficulties.

OAfter almost every training session, I wonder, how and when I will be able to feel calm, natural, and disciplined when performing Katas and Kumite. The more I train, the more I find areas to improve. After continuing for a few years, now I am at the edge of the blackbelt grading. This tells me that, now, I am getting ready to learn karate

Chan Somarathna began training at karatedo on the 27th of August 2017 at age 42 years. He was graded to Shodan on 16th October, 2022, aged 48 years.